About my work

Functional Integration: Feldenkrais individual sessions

In Feldenkrais individual sessions, I offer customized approaches that are specifically tailored to your needs – whether to relieve pain, overcome movement restrictions or improve your athletic or artistic performance.

How it works:

While you lie mostly, a subtle dialog is created between my hands and your body. Together we explore new movement possibilities, expand your range of motion and promote a feeling of freedom and lightness. At the end of the session, we will integrate the newly acquired movement patterns into your everyday life.

The sessions take place on-site in Salzburg and online/video through verbal instructions and as well as at various locations where I teach.

Awareness Through Movement: Group lessons in the Feldenkrais method

In the group sessions, we use mindfulness to explore different movement sequences – from simple to complex movements in various combinations in a playful way. The verbally guided exercises help you to find your own way so that you can move more easily and freely after class.

How it works:
Mostly lying on the floor, but also in seated or standing positions, you’ll explore both familiar and new movements that positively influence your whole self.

Feldenkrais individual sessions for SNC/Children with special Needs:

Support these children to continue to grow in their development in a variety of ways: to improve their motor skills, and to take the next step emotionally, socially and communicatively to find their own individual path of growing. As with learning a new language, mutual UNDER-STANDING grows, which improves the quality and generally makes it easier to cope with everyday life.

Regardless of developmental delays, isolated talents or other peculiarities, each child is picked up individually and new paths are explored together to develop their own potential.

I also regularly teach as an Assistant Trainer in International Feldenkrais Training Programs in Russia, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic.

Feldenkrais-based workshop series: Embracing the Whole for Special- Needs-Children

For parents, relatives and professionals.


Masterclass in St. Petersburg for parents, caretakers and professionals

ATM/Feldenkrais group lessons accompany the early childhood development process from the “in-utero” phase through to walking upright. Partner exercises offer the opportunity to explore individual movement organizations and to convey clear, centered touch. Interaction with participating professionals and family members creates a rich environment for mutual learning where everyone benefits from each other. Each day there will be practical hands-on experiences working with children in small groups under guidance using core Feldenkrais principles.

Yoga based on Feldenkrais


Movement has always been an important expression for me – easier than words. I started with athletics and skiing, followed later by expressive dance and Feldenkrais, which opened a new dimension of movement for me. Over time, martial arts such as Capoeira and Kalarippayattu, the “mother” of martial arts, came into my life. It was there that I first met yoga, which served as a warm-up.

As a trained Feldenkrais teacher, I continued to teach martial arts and dance. Through a seminar at the Benedictine monastery on Fraueninsel/Chiemsee, I was finally inspired by Sister Scholastica to teach yoga. Thus began my yoga career, which developed into the “Yoga based on Feldenkrais”.


My yoga is very dynamic and at the same time: mindful, gentle movements in the asanas, experimental transitions and without painful stretching. The movements are reversible and always in conjunction with breathing. Small Feldenkrais sequences are incorporated into the practice to shed new light on classic yoga positions.

I combine sensory and motor instructions, like in ATM/ Feldenkrais group classes, to refine the self-image. The emphasis is on organic learning: a friendly, relaxed atmosphere in which mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. My focus is on functionality – a crucial aspect from my martial arts experience that fits perfectly into the yoga practice.

I use stretching in a functional sense without overstretching tendons and muscles. The conscious use of gravity and levers, like in martial arts, is an essential component.

Available both as an online workshop and as a live workshop.

"My 10 year old daughter is very fond of FIs with Verena. We are trying to meet with her every time she comes to Russia. Verena is amazing Feldenkrais practioner! She has a huge experience and quickly finds common language with children. Her FIs are unforgettable! After every FI I notice that my daughter can make new movements that she could not do before. And it is really fantastic!"

Nadya Vera‘s mother

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